Monday, August 26, 2013

Nikon D5100 Digital SLR Camera & 18-55mm G VR DX AF-S Zoom Lens with 55-200mm VR Lens + 32GB Ca

Nikon D5100 Digital SLR Camera & 18-55mm G VR DX AF-S Zoom Lens with 55-200mm VR Lens + 32GB Card + .45x Wide Angle & 2.5x Telephoto Lenses + Remote + Filters + Tripod + Accessory KitI have enjoyed taking pictures with my camera since I got it. In fact, quite a few people in my family are a little jealous, I wouldn't be surprised if they get something similar. I looked around, read reviews, and compared prices, and this was the best package for what I needed. The stock 18-55mm lense works great for taking pictures on the go, and the stalker lense, 55-200, worked great for getting those pictures of the family when they were at their most natural. I have used the wide angle and telephoto lenses a littlebit, but not too much yet.

What was annoying:

The telephoto and wide angle lenses both come with a standard male threads to attach to your other lenses that are 58mm, but the camera lenses here are 52mm. The lense kit comes with some adapters to convert to other sizes including the 52mm, but there is only one of each size; I have 2 lenses, 1 adapter. It's a little bit annoying, but I remove the adapter when I'm done anyway because the caps for the lense only fit the 58mm threads.

The remote doesn't take pictures awesome. I used it the other day, and even while pointing directly at the camera from a couple feet away the shots were still hit and miss. The remote says it's supposed to work from up to 15 feet away, but how will you know if you're getting the pictures if you can't even be sure you're getting them from a couple feet away. I read somewhere that the camera changes back from the remote if you don't take a picture within a minute or two, or after every shot. While it definitely didn't do it after every shot, I did occasionally find it back on single shutter mode, which wasn't too annoying.

The tripod moves around a little because the metal of the tripod flexes when you manually shoot... I think it's nothing unexpected because the tripod seems to be made to be transportable, and it is very light and has enough features to cover all of the basic types of tripod shooting. But you defininitely can't manhandle the camera while it's on the tripod and expect the camera to remain perfectly still.

I had some technical problems with ebay while trying to buy this same product from the same seller, and the seller was fantastic with response times to emails and customer service when I decided to give up on ebay and buy their item from amazon instead. If this package isn't the right one for you, I would definitely recommend checking if they have something else that would suit you since they have many packages and they delivered what they promise. I'm sure you will be surprised how much stuff comes in a set, and how big of a box it takes to ship it... I know I was.

I did a TON of research before purchasing my new DSLR and I was torn between the Nikon D5100 and the Canon T3i. I eventually decided on the Nikon, as it had slightly higher reviews, it was a little more compact (therefore easier to hold in my hand), and I just seemed to "connect" with that camera better (as I tested them both out at Best Buy). I am so happy with my choice. The Nikon is everything I wanted and absolutely LOVE this package. All of the accessories came with, and they were all great! And I love the 55-200mm zoom lens. It's amazing. I do a lot of natural lighting portraits, and this lens is especially helpful with shooting toddlers, as they get very antsy in front of the camera. I can just step back and shoot from a little farther away, if necessary. I plan on getting the 300mm zoom lens next. Overall, I think this is an amazing package. All of the accessories and the camera came packaged perfectly. I am very impressed. I had no issues whatsoever with the seller, they delivered on their promise. I can't complain!

Buy Nikon D5100 Digital SLR Camera & 18-55mm G VR DX AF-S Zoom Lens with 55-200mm VR Lens + 32GB Ca Now

Having owned Canon cameras for the past forty years I had often heard that Nikon was a great brand but never managed to buy one for myself and over the past decade or more, having become used to the cheaper digital cameras, I had thought that the older style of larger cameras had seen their day.

But over the past few years I had noticed that the older style cameras were making a comeback and decided for my birthday to take the plunge and invest in one of the new version Nikon cameras.

I could not speak more highly about this particular camera.

The amount of things that this camera is able to do that the older style, smaller, cheaper digital cameras do not, is amazing and I'm now back enjoying my photography, producing the best pictures ever, with great sharpness and clarity that the cheaper digital camera simply do not produce.

Very happy indeed with my new purchase.

The quality and price are great and the service from the seller was first class too.

Read Best Reviews of Nikon D5100 Digital SLR Camera & 18-55mm G VR DX AF-S Zoom Lens with 55-200mm VR Lens + 32GB Ca Here

This camera package is top quality. It arrived with all pieces except one, which came in a separate package later. The camera and lens are great. I bought the camera to learn photography. It is a little complicated to learn, but it has great point and shoot capabilities while you learn. It also has a built in flash in case you don't want to start out buying a separate flash. It is also a good deal given what the D7100 costs.

Want Nikon D5100 Digital SLR Camera & 18-55mm G VR DX AF-S Zoom Lens with 55-200mm VR Lens + 32GB Ca Discount?

The bundle as a whole is a great deal: The camera, the two kit lenses, memory and bag make it worth it. The tripod is not great quality, but I take it as a "gift". It works reasonably well for a beginner. UV filters, cleaning kit and remote and card adaptor are cheap, but convenient add-ons. More of a "colored glasses type of things thrown into the deal".

The telephoto lenses, on the other side, are a different deal:

The 2.5X does not work with the kit lenses. It is blurry and foggy because it needs an f value 3.0 (perhaps even less) or lower. But these lenses are f/3.5 and up, so why are they selling it with this kit? I find this misleading for he uninitiated.

The wide angle on the other side, works "ok" but quality is not great. But there is something not mentioned in the package or amazon page: the wide-angle is actually two lenses: a macro and a wide angle per-se. Disassembling it and mounting the macro part of the lens on the 18-55mm kit lens allows for a GREAT beginners setup for macro photography.

Overall: I highly recommend this kit, despite the incomplete/misleading information on some component.

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