Also has a visual and digital zoom. Buy it.This is the fourth digital camera I have owned. I wanted a smaller lighter camera with a little more zoom and better video capability. I use it mostly for the grandchildren, around the house and yard, and on vacation. I tested this camera over a wide range of conditions, inside and out. MANY of the images were blurry. And yes, there is an audible click in the video when you operate the zoom. I would have put up with that if the images had been consistently clear. I own two SONY cameras and a Nikon CoolPix 8700. The SONY's had their little bugs,BUT they were consistent and I knew what to expect. We are camera crazy and also have a Canon digital SLR, and my husband has a Canon Powershot SD880 that he is very happy with. So I think it's fair to say I know when problem images are related to 'operator error", which was not the case here. It's small and light, and the features are acceptable for my needs, but I could not get past the image problems. My search continues.The camera takes nice pictures but the auto-focus can be very noisy.
Overall, I would not recommend this camera. Keep searching.Overall a great camera. A few minor things are better on the Cannon: dislike that a corded charger is needed (I'm tired of cords), latch for battery/sd card is difficult for fat fingers, wish for an auto-rotate of vertical pictures (unless it's there and I haven't figured it out yet). Need different and better computer based editing software. On camera editing is excellent.I have loved this camera. It's very compact so you can take it anywhere with you. It has a great zoom, and good picture quality. I love the spinning wheel on the back. Great feature. Overall, a very good camera. The only complaint I have for it is I wish it had a higher zoom in movie mode. It does zoom in and out while talking a video, but not much. I would recommend this camera to others.
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