Friday, October 25, 2013

Panasonic Pro AG-DVC60 3CCD MiniDV Proline Camcorder w/16x Optical Zoom

Panasonic Pro AG-DVC60 3CCD MiniDV Proline Camcorder w/16x Optical ZoomI bought one of these in Oct. of 2005 and have shot various events thus far. If you are looking for a good camera and don't want to spend $5000 or more then consider the AG-DVC60.

It's solidly built and has a wealth of features. The XLR jacks let you use a vast array of pro audio gear and the full size form factor allows for steady shots and screams professionalism. Everyone is impressed when I show up with it. The large viewfinder is quite useful whereas the smaller one on the DVC7 is very frustrating.

It's got both pro features and consumer features such as nightshot which I found significantly better than my Sony 730. The low lux recording ability of this camera is great (I am not talking nightshot). If you are shooting in the black of night, the recorded images are just that black and not grainy like consumer models. I recently shot a candlelight wedding and it did marvelous. I could go on and on about the pros of this camera but the features on the site sum it up pretty well. The images are rich and detailed. The only cons I have are it has smaller CCDs than the more expensive cameras although the footage looks as good as my friend's XL1. Also, I would prefer to have both a manual focus ring and iris ring rather than the single multi-use ring it has.

Early models had microphone issues but it seems that has been resolved now as mine works fine though I seldom use the built in mic since I have pro mics. Having worked television for 6 years I have seen some pretty expensive equipment and for the money, this thing can not be beat.

This is NOT a review for this seemingly excellent camera YET..

I hope Amazon doesn't mind and actually should appreciate the following:

I've been in the market for this Camcorder for over a month now and haven't quite decided between the DVC30 or DVC60 also have been looking at the Canon GL2, but all the reviews warning about the cassette problems keep me away from it.. Both (Panasonics) have almost the same features except for size of the Camera and LCD screen. I am a ret. camera man and would like to have the "shoulder"-version, but then the more compact DVC30 is also tempting.

HOWEVER: I have also researched prices of different bidders on the Web.

BE AWARE: I have contacted (and actually placed orders) with at least three "Super Deal" CAMERA shops, all of them on the US-East-Coast and CLOSED on "SATURDAY's"..!? (I don't want to get in trouble, so I avoid names) Some of them offer the DVC60 f.i., for under $1,600.and when you call to confirm the order (they require that..!), you talk to a "hasty" guy and some are really RUDE! He'll tell you this price is only for the BODY (???) with "SILCH" (his words) or for a "Japanese" version (go figure) or just not in stock ... and when you get to the point where you say: "I just want the Camcorder with the BASIC ("What's in the Box")accessories and a lens (which IS FIXED) on it", they have the weirdest explanations (some then call it a "RETAIL" version) and ask for anywhere from $2,200. to $,2400. !!!, which is much more then from a reputable organisation like Amazon with fair prices and a courteous, reliable return policy (just in case).

I must add though, all of these "hudlums" accepted imediate cancellations and have not placed any charges to my already provided CreditCard information ... which WAS a concern..!!!

Hope this helps someone (just trying to be a "concerned citizen" )


Buy Panasonic Pro AG-DVC60 3CCD MiniDV Proline Camcorder w/16x Optical Zoom Now

The "60" is the best mid-level prosumer 3ccd camera, picture, and great practical features, and in great did Panasonic do with the "60".. ?? They DISCONTINUED IT !!?? arrrghhh

Read Best Reviews of Panasonic Pro AG-DVC60 3CCD MiniDV Proline Camcorder w/16x Optical Zoom Here

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