Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Defender ST101 Covert Pinhole Color Security Camera Pen with 4 GB USB Memory

Defender ST101 Covert Pinhole Color Security Camera Pen with 4 GB USB MemoryIs a camera pen cool? Definitely. Can you have fun with *this* camera pen? Possibly.

As advertised, the Defender ST101 Covert Pinhole Color Security Camera Pen (with 4 GB USB Memory) takes still pictures and video. Provided your lighting is adequate, your pictures will be adequate, too. Nothing glorious, but they'll do the job. The video is choppy, but being able to clip the pen to your pocket and stroll around with the camera running is easier than holding your cell phone and walking around (or maybe it's just me that has that problem). Sound, of course, would have to be added in post-production.

You can surreptitiously photograph people/things, though concealing the amber/blue light may be an issue. I've taken random candid shots and pictures of notes on a whiteboard and they came out "good enough." Nothing I couldn't have done (better) with a cell phone, but the USB was a handier option than Bluetooth or cable syncing with my computer. That said, I suspect most potential purchasers will be plenty happy with the technology they already own rather than add this pen/camera/USB drive to their kit.

If you're not prone to buyer's remorse and/or your therapist doesn't have your secret agent obsession handled with medication or hypnosis, give the camera pen a go. Otherwise content yourself with the more-powerful options you likely already own. (Likewise, although the pen works just fine, any halfway-decent clicky pen is just as good at a small small fraction of the price.)

The only reason you are going to want to buy this pen/camera is to record things you shouldn't, whether it be spying on your kids or other unsuspecting people, or using it for your own private use. The picture is surprisingly clear, and the date and time stamp are easy to set (open the files on your computer and click "WriteTime.")

Their are few problems with the pen however. One, there is no sound. And two, there will always be a blue light on when the camera is filming. So, your pen will be discovered if you aren't careful where you put it.

This is a nifty camera you can put to good use or just have a lot of fun with. Oh, you can also write with it.

Buy Defender ST101 Covert Pinhole Color Security Camera Pen with 4 GB USB Memory Now

I don't own a cell phone, so this pen has been a fun way for me to always have a camera on hand. It's very easy to use, requiring only the information in the little booklet that comes with it. I would have given it three stars except that it doesn't work very well as a pen. The ink flow is too unreliable to be worth the trouble of trying to use it.

I've found the quality of the photos and video to be pretty decent if the lighting is good and the pen is held level while photographing. Any angling of the pen, close-ups, or low light results in blurry and/or useless photos, which means it wouldn't be too helpful for a real spy. Also, you have to hold the pen vertically at eye level to be sure that what you're seeing is roughly what you're photographing. This would make you look mighty suspicious if you were trying to be secretive.

One thing I've found inconvenient is that you have to unscrew the two halves of the pen to switch back and forth between video and still shots. Also, that switch is tiny and hard to operate, and might be prone to breakage with frequent use.

If you want a fun toy that's easy to operate and handy to carry, this might suit your needs. Even if you decide against it, the company might be worth looking into for other products because they have 24/7 live support.

Read Best Reviews of Defender ST101 Covert Pinhole Color Security Camera Pen with 4 GB USB Memory Here

I got this because it seemed so James Bondesque. Just a cool little clandestine piece of technology to play around for me it was fine. There is a light that indicates when you're recording, so one would have to be careful with that, if the goal is to be sneaky. The memory is serviceable; it IS a small device, after all. I love the way the top half is a USB. It's a fun little device, but certainly won't set the world on fire.


Want Defender ST101 Covert Pinhole Color Security Camera Pen with 4 GB USB Memory Discount?

I got this pen camera more for the fun factor than trying to spy on someone and that's a good thing as it's definitely not suited to legitimate discreet needs. The pen writes well and has a functional USB, though my computer detected spyware embedded in the USB so be careful when loading. Unfortunately the camera is very poor quality for pictures. I found the pictures were blurry unless you were very close to the subject. However unless you're holding the pen camera up (like you would a regular camera) aimed at the subject, the pictures are low quality and not useful. But that does take away some of the "cool" factor since you can't really discretely take pictures and video. Additionally the videos have no sound though the quality of the video is slightly better than still pictures.

The pen is fun to play around with if you're a gadget fan but it's not really something useful even if it's just used for messing around with family or friends. I enjoyed messing around with it but it soon lost its luster due to the poor quality of the pictures, the questionable USB software (after the first warning I didn't want to plug it in again), and no sound on the videos. $50 is a bit much for such a gadget that doesn't function as well as described.. though in fairness it does do everything that it says it does, just not well.

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