I have pretty much the full Nikon pro suite, but it's not about one brand being better than the other both take fine photographs. There are many things my D3 can do that the M9 can't, and vice-versa. The M9 is a different tool, useful for different situations. Whether it's the camera for you depends on whether you encounter those M9 "sweet spot" situations often enough to make it worthwhile.
The M9 is best when you're working in a slow and methodical way, carefully composing, adjusting every setting, leaving nothing to chance. If you're the type of photographer who keeps his auto-focus lenses on "manual" most of the time, rarely letting the camera make important exposure decisions, then Leica might appeal to you. You probably also use your favorite prime lens more than any zoom.
For me, the form factor is a big part of it. The M9 isn't all that much bigger than (say) one of the bigger point-and-shoots but this is no point and shoot in terms of picture quality. Carrying something around my neck that's well under half the weight and bulk of a Nikon D3 with 24-70 lens, while not sacrificing an ounce of image quality, is important to me.
If you're on the fence, I'd encourage you to rent one for several days to experience the Leica mystique firsthand. You'll either fall in love, or you'll be unimpressed and save yourself several thousand dollars.Before you get a Leica, you have to ask yourself why. You'll be giving up automatic focus. You'll be giving up seeing the picture before you take it. You'll be spending a lot of money. Look at the price here, and note that it comes with no lens. Likely, you will want a lens. It's eye-blinkingly daft to get a camera like this and put cheap lenses on it. And heck, even the cheap lenses are going to cost more than most other cameras do. Heck, the flash gun I bought cost more than my wife's Canon. Suck it up now, you're going to be spending $10K and more like $15K by the time you're done. You're either rich, a pro, or crazy and possibly all three. I know lots of pros who sneer at the price on this.
You're going to have to learn how to use the camera. You won't just take it out of the box and start shooting. It took me a couple thousand shots to decide that hey, maybe I know how to use it -and that was with a single lens. I also know I'm getting better with each few hundred pictures I take. But let's also remind ourselves that Cartier-Bresson only ever used a 50mm lens, too. You're going to learn what they mean by "f8 and be there."
So why the heck would you want this camera?
It's small. If you compare size and weight against any camera that would come close for sheer quality, you have it beat hands down. Your kit is smaller, your bags are lighter. Your back will thank you.
You can get into places you can't get into before. I've been to places where they have said "No DSLRs" and this isn't an SLR. I've been to places where they say "no removable lens cameras" and they let me through anyway. It isn't off-putting like a mondo DSLR with bazooka-sized lens and a boom mic that looks like it belongs under a stallion. You're someone with an old-timey camera; it is a relic and therefore harmless.
You can use, with very few exceptions, any lens that Leica made back to 1952. With an adapter, you can use any lens back to the 1930s, too. To be fair, you can also use these lenses on a Four Thirds camera, too, but it's still true.
It's a Leica. There's a mystique to a Leica, and yeah, after you take five thousand pictures, after you learn brightlines and framing and when to go manual, and practice, practice, practice, your shots will look like Leica shots. There's nothing in the world that looks like a Leica shot except a Leica shot and yours will start looking like that. One of those five thousand will be good enough that your spouse will say, "You ought to enter that into a contest." Many, many of the iconic shots of the last hundred years were shot with a Leica and that Leica look will rub off a little.
But it isn't the camera, it's you. It's the devotion. It's because you made the commitment (which is the polite way to say cash) to having a real camera and learning not to be a poseur with it. The biggest reason *not* to get this camera is that it's a better camera than you are photographer and that will be painfully obvious when you get it. You're going to have to get better at being a photographer because this camera doesn't cover for you, it laughs at you in front of you. You will get better because you have to to maintain face. You'll become a better photographer because the alternative is for everyone to know that the best digital camera in the world is being wasted on the likes of you.
That is what it is. It happens to be the best digital camera in the world. The only rivals to it that are non-digital are film Leicas, or really esoteric things like Hasselblads or view cameras. And let's face it, film is dead. It's sad that film is dead, but film is dead. One-horse shays are also dead. There is also a joy to putting a 32MB card in this thing and shooting a thousand-plus shots. No changing film every thirty-six. Wow. That's worth kissing film goodbye right there.
So anyway, think long and hard before buying it. If you make the plunge, like I did, and go to the trouble of learning to take pictures again, it's a joy. It's amazing. It's the best thing that ever happened to me on the back side of the viewfinder. There are things that were better on the front side of the viewfinder, but no camera can do that.
Buy Leica M9 18MP Digital Range Finder Camera (Black, Body Only) Now
This camera is the ultimate cure for camera-envy. You know, the disease that always makes you wonder "what if?" and "is that better than mine?" It's not about prestige or name-recognition (the first modification I made to my M9 was to stick silver duct tape over the famous red dot and the "M9" engraving). For me, camera envy equates to wanting the best tool available to capture moments that will never be repeated. And it's not just about image quality or I'd be lugging around an 8x10 view camera every day (which I have done). It's also about convenience, portability, simplicity, and the picture-taking experience.Enter the Leica M9.
The pictures are good. So good. Just go ahead and check out people's images on flickr. And then remind yourself that what you are seeing has been processed, possibly re-sized, and only you know how good your computer monitor is at color management. Let me just tell you that the images are amazing. I have owned many dSLRs over the years and you never get sharpness like this. Maybe it's the lack of an AA filter on the sensor, maybe it's the lenses. But it's definitely something. Something good.
If you're coming from a Leica film camera, you'll never believe how liberating it is to be able to shoot continuously for hundreds of frames before having to change out your roll (aka memory card). It's a whole new world. I take more risks now because I don't have to worry that I'll run out of film. It feels just like getting my first digital camera. "Wait, you mean if I totally mess up a shot I can just delete and then shoot again?" Yes. Yes, you can. Or don't even bother deleting because you can still take 400 more. You want to see what a shot will look like at every possible aperature setting? Just try it. It won't cost you a penny. Anything goes. And unlike film, the MORE you shoot, the cheaper you can tell yourself photography is. Take 1000 frames and your new camera cost you $7 a shot. Take 70,000 frames and now it only cost $0.10 a shot. That's $3.60 for 36 "exposures" let's see ... how much does film cost again?
If you're coming from a dSLR you'll love how low-profile the M9 is. When I had a Canon 5D Mark II, I had the thing not around my neck most of the time but in a bag (because it's heavy). But then you know what it's like, you pull out your elephant gun and while you might see a giant, red ring and think, "Oh, it's an L lens," other people nervously scoop up their children and duck for cover. The mirror sounds remind me of playing the arcade game Buckhunter. And also I feel ridiculous the whole day, especially as I walk by other people with their dSLRs. There's just NO slick way to pull it off. None. With your Leica M9, you can get a beatup neck strap, stick it in an old case (or get a new case and beat it up yourself), and you look like you're shooting with your dad's old camera. No one runs. More often than not, people look right into my shot because they're trying to figure out what's wrong with me. Can't I afford a new camera?
One caveat. You have to know how to shoot. You can't hide behind autofocus, programmed settings, nor even a zoom lens (I'm not counting the Tri-Elmar as a zoom ok?). You'll have to actually stand where you need to stand to take the picture you want, you'll have to decide what f/stop to use, and you'll have to focus. Why can't Leica develop autofocus? Why would you want it? Then you'd have to tell the camera which AF mode to use, scroll thru menu after menu, then check to make sure the camera did what you asked by zooming in using the LCD screen. I'd much rather just focus and go on to my next shot. I know it's sharp because I focused it myself. And if you suck at it, you'll be surprised at how fast you get better, especially since you can see the results right away if you want. By now I can pretty much guess the focus and have the camera ready to go by the time I bring it up to my eye. Some will say that it's more work to shoot with a rangefinder. But you could also say that it's easier to be in control and get the exact shot you want the first time around.
It's been said before but I'll say it here too. This camera becomes an extension of you, of your eye. It's so simple that you can really get to know exactly what it'll do, you can trust it. The quality you get for the size and weight you'll be carrying around is unmatched.
In conclusion, at first glance I may look like I have the crappiest, oldest camera on the block but rest assured, camera envy is GONE. For what I want the M9 is the best, hands down, in every category. How often does that happen?
Read Best Reviews of Leica M9 18MP Digital Range Finder Camera (Black, Body Only) Here
I am not an easy grader, and am a perfectionist. A perfectionist forced to compromise.I give Leica M9 a solid 8 out of 10; maybe 8.5 out of 10. Certainly not higher.
Some dumb compromises in Leica M9: e.g. cheap screen. Why not sapphire screen like M8.2? Leica claims they wanted to meet a specific price target. Come on, the person who pays $7,000 for the body alone, will pay a couple of hundred dollars more for a better screen. Since I have no respect for such short comings, I prefer to rate Leica lower rather than higher. Now, bear in mind i heart Leica tremendously.
So far I have had a few leica M6 cameras, M7, R something, M8.2 and now M9. Multiple lenses. Oh, also the lovely D-Lux 4.
M9 is by far the best leica camera I have had. In fact, the best digital camera I have owned. It has its quirks. But leica owners tend to be a quirky bunch too (and I mean that with utmost respect).
First, i have to tell you that it took me roughly seven months to receive my leica. While I was waiting, and getting impatient, bought a Nikon D700, multiple lenses, and then a D3S. It is a bit embarrasing and difficult to travel with the Nikons. Too loud and draw too much attention to themselves, everyone thinking I am a professional photographer. I hate that as I am just a humble street photographer. It is the speed of D700 and D3S that I miss in my Leica M9.
Leica M9 body feels great. Like a beautiful mechanical watch. I bought the grey one. Frankly the faux leather on it, feels a bit too ice-y cold, and a bit cheap. Maybe if i were to do it over, i would have gotten the black body. Maybe not....everyone has those!
The battery life is short. You need an extra battery with you for a long day trip with lots of shooting.
So easy to use the camera. Menu items down to bare essentials. The camera is light, easy to carry, does not draw any attention to itself or to you, unless people in the know see that and envy you.
My biggest problem with Leica cameras and the M9 is that I like to take lots of candid street shots. Like on a recent trip to San Francisco I witnessed an arrest in the tenderloin area (what on earth was I doing in one of the worst streets in the country? well...they have amazing Thai restaurants there).... I could have taken 20 nice pictures with my D3S. With Leica I did 20 shots, and one or two came fine but not great. Even my D-Lux 4 is better in that sense. Mainly because of the lack of auto-focus. Some swear by leica hyperfocal focusing. Well, they are ahead of me for sure.
So if you have the time, and only care about taking pictures of not moving subjects, then Leica is great. So grandma shots should be fine. If you want to take pictures of your child or grand kid running at the speed of light or even an old tire-less VW, then pull out your iphone.
Exaggeration aside, you will not regret buying Leica M9, unless they come with 9.2 immediately after your purchase. You will forget the high price tag. The colors are lively, the black and whites are gorgeous and you do not break your back by carrying a heavy camera.
Leica is a great camera but is not enough as your only camera. You need a D-Lux 5 or a nikon/canon type as well....I am happy for you that you do not have to wait as long as I did to receive yours. Many camera shops seem to have them in stock now. A friend of mine bought his on Amazon and received it within one day from his order. Not bad.
Best wishes to you whatever camera you go with.
Want Leica M9 18MP Digital Range Finder Camera (Black, Body Only) Discount?
I made the move. I got a Leica. The M9 to be exact. And frankly, this is not something I expected to ever do. I resisted the Leica digital cameras for many reasons. I thought the early incarnations were too expensive and that they underperformed compared to the Japanese digital cameras.But the M9 changed all that for me. Let me explain.
Starting with the sensor, this is a spectacular camera. It's a proprietary 18.5 megapixel CCD full frame device. It doesn't use an anti-aliasing filter. That translates to higher resolving power. In short, in regards to resolution, images from the M9 will meet or beat the 21-25MP images from the most expensive Canon and Nikon cameras.
It uses a new cover glass to eliminate infrared light contamination, and the sensor provides stellar performance with Leica M lenses. The use of external UV/IR filters is not required.
This technology is not something you can just gloss over. It's a marvel. In fact, I can't believe Leica came up with an 18.5 MP full frame sensor in a camera that is about as small as some point and shoots. Leica engineers themselves thought this impossible just a few years ago. Everything changes.
The camera is solid as a rock, but much lighter than any of my DSLR bodies. It's small enough to be stealthy but big enough to do the job. It handles like a dream and I am loving the fact that I can throw this camera around my neck and work all day without getting tired.
The viewfinder is bright and that's a good thing because the focus is manual rangefinder type. I admit that this was where I thought I'd have the most trouble. My old eyes don't see as well as they used to. But the combination of being able to use lenses with aperture marks on them for hyper-focal distance focusing and the bright viewfinder have left me getting 97% of my shots in focus.
The shooting experience with this camera is joyful. The ability to use an aperture ring warms my heart. The buttons are all easy to use. Set it and forget it. This is the way cameras used to work. I hate nested menus and in the case of the M9 don't need to deal with many to get my shots.
The shutter is quiet but the shutter button takes some getting used to. No half-press to autofocus. And two frames per second is about as fast as this camera advances. I won't be shooting birds in flight with the M9.
The M9 brilliantly uses Adobe's DNG as its RAW format. This will save a ton of time, pain and agony for anyone who's used to waiting for the various RAW converters to upgrade to meet their camera. In theory, just about any program can open a DNG. There is no proprietary software required.
While it's no Canon 5D MK II, low-light performance on this camera is excellent at ISO 800 and acceptable at ISO 1250. CCD cameras trade more detail for more noise. In most cases, the super fast glass from Leica helps you overcome the lack of high ISOs. What it lacks in low-light performance, it makes up for in sharpness and detail.
The battery and memory card fit underneath a plate you have to open on the bottom of the camera. There is a good old-fashioned cable release slot on the camera which means just about any old cloth/or metal generic cable release will work in the M9. You don't need anything electronic, proprietary or fancy.
I absolutely love the auto-bracketing feature on the M9. This is an HDR shooter's dream. You can control the brackets in three, five or seven stop intervals. You can select 1/3, 1/2 or 1-stop brackets. You can also change the order of the shots. Once that's all set press the button once and you get all the exposures in the bracket. It's flawless and foolproof.
Working with the Leica lenses is amazing. Back in the day, lenses had aperture rings. Now most cameras force you to set the aperture electronically. Thank goodness that's not the case here. The Leica lenses have real aperture rings. This makes setting the aperture for hyper-focal distance focusing a snap. This is how street photographers tend to work. They preset a hyper-focal range and then as long as their subject is between point A and B they shoot. Everything is in focus. I love it.
One more thing about the lenses they are drop dead gorgeous even wide open. There is no sweet spot on a Leica lens. The entire lens is the sweet spot. They are sharp, contrasty and lovely. Oh and they are expensive and hard to find.
I've rented or borrowed several Leica lenses; some from my pals at Borrowlenses.com (yes they have this camera and some lenses in stock) and some from Leica fans who were gracious enough to let me try them out. I ended up buying a Leica 35mm F/2 Summicron ASPH. It's beautiful and that's all I can say about it. That's all I need to say about it. It's as nice as any lens I've ever owned. Period. Now I am looking for the very hard to find no make that nearly impossible to find Leica 90mm F/2. Since Leica isn't currently selling any of these lenses, I have to look for old stock or used. Nobody who has this lens seems to want to sell it. Accordingly, I will probably settle for the F/2.5 version since those are more available. I expect to be able to shoot about everything I need to using just those two lenses. What a relief it is not to have to carry 10 lenses everywhere I go!
The initial images I made with this camera were mind-blowing. You can't see it as well on the web or on a computer but when you print the pictures from an M9/Leica lens combo, your subjects appear to literally jump off the page. It's almost a 3D effect. When I first saw it I wasn't sure what I was looking at. That was what really pulled me into the Leica fold. The image quality is out of this world. Nothing in the 35mm realm touches it. Nothing. It's more like working with medium formats.
Now let's talk about the downsides. The camera is expensive. The body alone is just under $7000. The lenses start at $1700 and go up. This is not a camera for those on a budget. Is it worth the money? To me yes. Not everyone will agree. But these cameras are hand-made and very precise. If any camera body is worth $7000 the M9 is it.
The other downside is that the Leica cameras are popular and since their factory is small, they can't keep up with demand. It's almost impossible to find lenses for the M9 unless they are used. Even then it's not easy to get the highly-desirable fast glass. Most Leica owners love their cameras and lenses and few offer them for resale. It's a real problem and Leica needs to address it.
One last issue to cover is the battery life. It pretty much sucks. I mean really, you HAVE to have at least two batteries. This camera drinks battery juice like I used to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken by the bucket. If you're used to the modern Canon and Nikon battery life you'll be disappointed at the Leica battery performance. Two or even three batteries may be needed to do an entire day of shooting. And like everything else Leica, the batteries are not cheap but they aren't outrageous either.
The Leica M9 is the world's smallest, lightest, full frame digital camera. It's also for me personally, the perfect digital camera for everything but sports and wildlife. It's light, ergonomically efficient, well-built, powerful, beautiful, elegant and most of all simple. The move to simplicity in photography reminds me of my early days shooting. With a Leica I can just concentrate on seeing. I don't need to worry about the camera. It's just an extension of my eye. But that's me. For you, it might be a different story.
Back to me :) If it sounds like I am in love with the M9 well I am. It's almost a religious experience. It's not for everyone. Really it isn't. It takes time to understand. It is something you work with and eventually, it becomes a part of you.
Highly recommended.
Review Copyright Scott Bourne Photofocus.com
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