Sunday, March 23, 2014

Canon EOS Rebel T3i Digital SLR Camera Body & EF-S 18-55mm IS II Lens + 16GB SDHC Card + Case +

Canon EOS Rebel T3i Digital SLR Camera Body & EF-S 18-55mm IS II Lens + 16GB SDHC Card + Case + Tripod + 2 Batteries + Filters + HDMI Cable + Tele/Wide Lens KitI love it. I shoot professionally and personally, and I love this camera. I will say that the shutter lag while in live view mode was a little disappointing, but IMO didn't warrant dropping a star :o)

The company that sold this described it as a 4 lens kit, which was just a LIE. In actuality it came with ONE actual {kit} lens, and 2 lens converters {macro & telephoto} and a set of filters. I contacted the company to inquire where my "fourth lens" was, but all I got from them was the run around and 'please call this long distance number and hold' They refused to answer my questions via email, and said that someone would call me, but they never did. The seller gets only 1 star from me {for promptness}. I don't like being deceived and ignored.

But the camera rocks! The kit lens is "ehh" but put a 50mm on this bad boy and you get "WoW"

Great camera. I am a begginer in this field but I like it. 4 Star because the kit is useless and the battery does not last very long. The quality is very very nice

Buy Canon EOS Rebel T3i Digital SLR Camera Body & EF-S 18-55mm IS II Lens + 16GB SDHC Card + Case + Now

I am truly pleased with my new T3i! Having a great time figuring out how to use it. It arrived in a timely fashion with all items included in box as promised.

Read Best Reviews of Canon EOS Rebel T3i Digital SLR Camera Body & EF-S 18-55mm IS II Lens + 16GB SDHC Card + Case + Here

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