Tuesday, April 22, 2014

DSLR Rig Movie Kit Shoulder Mount

DSLR Rig Movie Kit Shoulder Mounti honestly love my new rig, this is an amazing item with a solid build would highly recommend it!

Every item has its pros and cons, here are the ones for this rig.


-Solid light weight build

-Converts into 4 total camera rigs plus more if you get creative

-the camera screw is adjustable so it can be closer to you or further away from you



-no brand, no warranty, but it shouldnt be a problem as i am really very confident with the item's build.

This came in the box and I tried a few set ups with it but ended up just putting it back into the box. I'll one day have the patience to assemble it and take it out into the field. This doesn't come with counter weight so all the weight is pushed up to the forearms. Not really designed for someone who needs to carry the weight on the shoulders hence, SHOULDER MOUNT. If I wanted a forearm mount, I'd buy that instead.

Buy DSLR Rig Movie Kit Shoulder Mount Now

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