Wednesday, June 11, 2014

MobiCam Audio Video Baby Monitoring System

MobiCam Audio Video Baby Monitoring System11/27/09 Update: I have posted my original monitor review below. Before, my only complaint was that it was "staticky" and I had to move the receiver around to positions where it wouldn't interfere with other devices. After about six months of use however, it made a loud permanent buzzing sound whenever I turned the volume on regardless of where it was placed. It was so annoying it was unusable. The only way it was tolerable if I turned on the video portion only but kept the sound off which didn't work for me since I'm not always looking at the monitor, especially at night when I'm sleeping!

I called Mobicam to see if I could get a replacement but the length of their policy is something pathetic like a month.

I ended up buying Summer Infant Deluxe Day & Night Handheld Color Video Monitor with 2.5" Screen Blue (Infant Deluxe Day & Night Handheld Color Video Monitor with 2.5" Screen) as a replacement which I'm MUCH happier with even though it as it's own drawbacks. I will also write a review for that.

5/9/09: Love/hate relationship with this monitor (Original Review)

We had our heart set on a video monitor (not just an audio one) and it was between this and Summer. We decided on this one because of the Internet option so we could see our little guy from work.

When the monitor works, it works FANTASTICALLY. We can see our baby both during the day and at night due to the infrared. I like being able to see his eyes -if they are closed, I leave him be even if he's whimpering/crying because it means he'll be able to go back to sleep on his own. If they are open, I go to to see what's bothering him.

That was the love part. The hate part is that there is static galore. The monitor flickers and buzzes even if you place anything near it -it doesn't even have to be anything electrical in nature, the screen fizzes out even if you put your hand by the monitor. If you have a wireless phone, it will crackle louder than the TV in Poltergeist. It is super annoying and I spent a lot of time finding the perfect spot to place the monitor where it wouldn't be affected by anything and where I could still see it.

We have our unit on continuous video monitoring so we always plug it into an A/C outlet, otherwise, we would go through way too many batteries.

I wish we could purchase another video monitor so we can leave one in our room and put one downstairs.

As of now, we haven't really used the Internet option. If that feature isn't important to you, I would try the Summer unit instead since that's the one our friends recommend and it seems to have pretty good reviews on Amazon.

So, I recieved this monitor as a gift at my baby shower. I recieved a total of 4 baby monitors, but since this was the only video one, I kept it and returned the others. I had no idea how comforting it would be to have a video monitor! It's great to be able to see him when he makes noise, and to see if he's just fussing or needs me or whatever. The night vision works great, but the colors are muted with the daytime view. Not a big deal, as far as I'm concerned because you can still see baby well. Does have occasional issues with static, but sometimes you just have to move around the monitor or camera and the problem can be solved. (Surprised that we've only had minimal issues with interference given all of the electronics/cordless devices in our home).

Here comes the BUT... part:

So, we've been using the monitor for six months now, and this morning it stopped working. We've had occasional problems where you would switch it on, and there would be no power to the monitor. Sometimes it took a couple of times and it would come on. (This is using the DC adapter, not batteries). I tried everything to get it to come on, switching outlets, putting batteries in, and nothing. So, I called Mobi directly (since it was a gift, I didn't know where it was from. I didn't have a reciept, or fill out a warranty card. So I took my chances and called them. What could they do? Say no?) I talked to a guy named Andy, super nice and understanding. I am to ship my monitor to him, and he'll bench test it. If it doesn't work, he'll send me a new one. Fair enough.

So, I guess that's why I'm giving it four stars, instead of three. Customer service on Mobi's part seems well worth it. I guess we'll see what happens in a few days when I get it back!

Buy MobiCam Audio Video Baby Monitoring System Now

My wife bought this monitor so that we could keep an eye on our sleeping baby when we're not in the room.

It seemed at first like a decent product, but has today revealed itself to be a terrible one.


Night vision mode automatically comes on, allowing video monitoring of your baby at night.


Poor battery life if using batteries.

Terrible interference problems, and not just with computers or lamps, but with inanimate objects or nothing at all maybe ghosts??

Camera has a TINY range of motion, limiting the places you can put it and still see the baby.

Cheaply made and too lightweight if you don't have batteries in the camera, the mere weight of the the cord is enough to pull it out of alignment.


It broke; it now emits a constant 60-cycle hum at any volume except the lowest possible, which makes it useless for monitoring your baby's sounds. Several reviews on here indicate that this is a permanent problem. This product is abysmal, and no one should buy it. The people who have not yet experienced problems, will eventually, I am convinced. F-----, DO NOT BUY.

Read Best Reviews of MobiCam Audio Video Baby Monitoring System Here

5 pros, 6 cons = decent, but just ok, baby monitor system

I bought this camera to replace a Summer baby monitor (also video, but the rechargable battery isn't holding much of a charge after 2 years), mainly because it had the internet feature & can watch 2 monitors at once.

The Good

1. The setup is easy (as with all monitors).

2. Picture is clear, day or night.

3. Sound is clear.

4. It can monitor camera 1, camera 2, or you can make it toggle between 2 cameras.

5. It does not interfer with our wireless network or wireless digital Panasonic phones (why I got this 900mHz version instead of the 2.4G version as reviewed complained about).

The Bad:

1. The angle for the camera is odd. Think about it -camera for toddler near floor = asking for trouble. The camera lens will angle up but not down. When I place it higher on a bookshelf, I have to lie the camera on its side to be able to adjust the angle downward so I can see into the crib. I definitely can't mount it on the wall like the Summer unit. BTW, lying the camera on its side affects the night vision, so you have to have it at the very edge of the shelf, practically leaning over the edge.

2. The monitor unit eats batteries! It takes SIX AA's in just the monitor unit, and after 1 week of occasional use (about 4-5 hours total?) I had to replace them. So, a little constraining to have to drag the AC plug around to different parts of the house.

3. The internet connection feels like a rip off. You only get TWO hours of monitoring per MONTH unless you want to pay $9.95/month! If I buy an internet hookup, I expect to be able to watch my monitor any time or have my family be able to watch any time as well.

4. The internet connection is awkward. You have to hook up the physical monitor to a computer constantly with a bunch of wires & adapters. So, at night (when I actually use the monitor), I have a choice of having the monitor hooked up to my computer OR be able to watch the monitor next to my bed. Who wants a computer running next to their bed all the time with a tangled mess of wires?

5. The voice-activation feature is quite annoying if you have it on while you are sleeping. It sounds like it is having interference constantly, is quite loud with the static, and blinks the monitor on & off. This may be fine if you are recording, but I don't have a need for that feature.

6. It was made in China, so it seems a little cheap. Several times the button for switching the cameras has gotten stuck so that I had to pry it out with a screwdriver.

In all, I like the fact that it will switch between cameras (planning for baby #2 now), so I will keep it. I am sorely disappointed that I got the internet hookup though. I wish I had gotten the extra camera instead for the same price.

If you just need 1 camera & no internet, go for the Summer baby video monitor. It works great!

Want MobiCam Audio Video Baby Monitoring System Discount?

I bought the Mobi Cam on amazon at a great price ($50 less than the MSRP) and I'm impressed with the performance so far. We were using an old Graco baby monitor (not a video) so this is a huge upgrade for us. We were able to plug-n-play very easily. The picture is VERY clear i can see the whites of my baby's eyes from more than 6 feet with the night vision. And the audio portion is great I can hear my baby breathing! We use this unit in our single family home and there is no static or interference. Occasionally we'll get a little static but that only happens once per week or so -realy nothing to even complain about. We only use these units with the AC adapterts, so I can't comment on the battery-life. I love this unit and would definitely recommend!

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