Buy Toshiba PDR-M81 4MP Digital Camera with 2.8x Optical Zoom Now
I have the toshiba M81 and I have had a great time with it. I am new with the digital camera routine and this camera seems so easy to use and the quality of the photos (even on the low image) are great and print out so clear. It takes great pictures in low light without a flash. This was one quality that I wanted. I am so pleased with the camera that I also bought one for my son and his wife. He has emailed me several pictures and again, the quality is superb.Read Best Reviews of Toshiba PDR-M81 4MP Digital Camera with 2.8x Optical Zoom Here
Overall, this is a nifty lil' 3 megapixel camera.Pros:
Solid contruction.
Ample features
Excellent image quality
Ease of use
Good value for money
Toshiba is not really a camera mfr. Amazon sells better cameras made by camera-only mfrs.
Lacks more advanced features, such as appropriate ISO step boosts.
Internal flash can cause red-eye too often
Although this camera has a lot going for it, don't get it. Amazon features many more cameras in the 3+ megapixel range that are superior. In particular, for a similar price as this one, look at the Nikon Coolpix line of excellent digital cameras.
Want Toshiba PDR-M81 4MP Digital Camera with 2.8x Optical Zoom Discount?
I found this camera to take good pictures for a 4.2 MP, and I love the short videos it can record. It's user-friendly. Mine has worked well for about three years now. I am getting ready to get a new camera, however, and I've decided to go with a Canon. Canon has a much better reputation for good customer service, and that is important to me. With my Toshiba, I was just fortunate not to have anything break down.
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