Thursday, July 3, 2014

32 Pc Ultimate Deluxe Db Roth Accessory Kit for the Canon Vixia Hv30 Minidv High Definition Camcord

32 Pc Ultimate Deluxe Db Roth Accessory Kit for the Canon Vixia Hv30 Minidv High Definition CamcorderA good starter package but everything is below par in terms of quality. That just means they will need more care but the job gets done.

The main reason I bought this was for a spare junk tripod and a spare battery pack and charger. The tripod I gutted to make a skate dolly, and the charger works if you jiggle the battery in just right...The light is about zippo puts out brighter and more consistent lighting than this thing. I guess the cleaning cloth comes in handy and the protective screen covers are ok, if I didn't already have a thousand of them from other "kit deals".

Bottom line, just buy the parts you need individually instead. This grab bag is not worth the matter what the cost might be.

Buy 32 Pc Ultimate Deluxe Db Roth Accessory Kit for the Canon Vixia Hv30 Minidv High Definition Camcord Now

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