Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Prolite 2.8X DSLR LCD Screen Viewfinder for Canon EOS 1D Mark IV, 5D Mark II, 7D & T1i, Nikon D90,

Prolite 2.8X DSLR LCD Screen Viewfinder for Canon EOS 1D Mark IV, 5D Mark II, 7D & T1i, Nikon D90, D300S & D3, Pentax K-7 Digital SLR CamerasI bought this LCD Viewfinder for making videos on my Caon 7D and Panasonic GF1. It works very well for what it was intended: an LCD sun shade.

You can find other LCD viewfinders that look very simialr to this but priced between $100 and $180. There are a few reviews on different websites that claim that cheaper LCD viewfinders are exactly the same as the more expensive ones, I cant say for sure if they are, but this one is very well constructed and works perfectly.

This LCD viewfinder comes with and adhesive backed thin metal mount that attaches to your camera. The viewfinder has magnets that securely connect to the thin metal mount. The only problem with the metal mount is that it isn't exactly the same size as the LCD on my GF1 so you have to be careful when sticking it on. It does not block any information on the display if you position it properly.

The inside of the LCD viewfinder is lined with felt to minimize reflections.

I was worried that this did not have an adjustable diopter. I think I read somewhere where the diopter was a -1 to +4 fixed diopter. I'm not sure what that means, but I normally wear +1.25 reading glasses but I do not need them with this LCD viewfinder. I also read that you can pop out the diopter and replace it with a lens from some inexpensive reading glasses with a little work.

An added benefit of using a viewfinder like this is that it stabilizes the camera a lot when you are shooting video.

I'm very happy with this purchase!

I bought this for my T2i thinking that there was no reason to pay upwards of $375 for a "modified loupe" but maybe I was wrong. My only expectation was that the viewfinder would focus on the LCD screen (and stay attached to the camera) but for whatever reason, the focus is off. I do not wear glasses (though occasionally I do wear 1.25 reading glasses for small print books). It is as if the length of the loupe is about a quarter inch too short. I can overcome the problem by wearing a pair of 1.25 reading glasses but that becomes cumbersome. Just for the heck of it, I held a photo loupe on the LCD and it was sharp. Well, maybe it is me old age setting in poor eyesight encroaching but I really don't think so. An adjustable diopter might have resolved the problem but a quarter inch is a lot to make up!

The magnetic frame system works well enough and holds the viewfinder okay.

The eyepiece has some trouble staying on you will probably need to secure it with some rubber cement or something as it will occasionally fall off.

Unfortunately, there are not many solutions for the LCD viewfinder at a reasonable price. Unless Prolite comes out with something that can focus on the screen I would stay away from this one.

Buy Prolite 2.8X DSLR LCD Screen Viewfinder for Canon EOS 1D Mark IV, 5D Mark II, 7D & T1i, Nikon D90, Now

I have a Canon T2i, and a Canon 7D. The frame that sticks to the DSLR's it's the reason why I gave this viewfinder only 3 stars. the frame sticks well with the Canon 7D but it's a different story for Canon T2i, because LCD screen for that DSLR is smaller and has a small sensor right on top of the screen and when I stick the frame on the T2i, it covers the sensor.

But other than that, it works great on my Canon 7D and protects the screen out in the sun from direct sun light.

Read Best Reviews of Prolite 2.8X DSLR LCD Screen Viewfinder for Canon EOS 1D Mark IV, 5D Mark II, 7D & T1i, Nikon D90, Here

Same experience as James Cooper this is out of focus (by a wide margin) when mounted on the viewfinder. It would need to be about 1/2" taller to be able to focus properly. And since the lens is not adjustable, it's useless. I returned it.

Note if you look at the photo you might think it is adjustable, because of the way it appears to have a knurled focusing area below the eye-cup. But that is merely decorative; it doesn't focus.

Want Prolite 2.8X DSLR LCD Screen Viewfinder for Canon EOS 1D Mark IV, 5D Mark II, 7D & T1i, Nikon D90, Discount?

It works and for the price, its OK. I bought it to see how a viewfinder works attached to the back of a DSLR, before I invested much money in a higher quality one. Now I know what I want. What I have learned is that its a deal because its not made to pro standards. There isn't any diopter adjustment OK I expected that for the price, but one of the little magnets on the back (there are 6 of them) kept pulling off of the viewfinder and sticking to the metal plate that you attach to the camera. Finally it disappeared and now I'll have to either do without, or contact the company for a replacement. Then I'll have to figure out how to glue it back in.

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