Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Belkin Micra Digital High-Speed HDMI Cable (15ftt)

Belkin Micra Digital High-Speed HDMI CableI was using this cable to feed from my Laptop to our big TV for streaming shows. One of the first times that I used it I went to pick the Laptop up off of the floor and the cable with the plastic covers pulled right off of the metal portion of the plug which was left in the laptop. The ends of the wires appeared to only be slightly crimped at the ends where they had been in the connector. There was no solder and there did not appear to be any mechanical connection or adhesive between the metal and plastic parts of the end. It appears to be either a bad design or part of the assembly process was skipped.

Belkin makes many of the best cables out there. They are respected by so many in the business world for a reason. You will not be disappointed with this cable. If you are in the market for a good HDMI cable then give this one a try. I also highly recommend Media Bridge cables.

Buy Belkin Micra Digital High-Speed HDMI Cable (15ftt) Now

Too many times I find HDMI cables that are of inferior quality at seemingly ridiculous prices. I this case you get a high quality cable at a reasonable price point. It's truly a win-win!


good quality construction cable surface is textured and has high quality coatings to prevent interference and snags.

HDMI connections are solid. No loose connections here.


none that I could discern.

Overall you get a great cable at a great price.

Hope that helps.

Read Best Reviews of Belkin Micra Digital High-Speed HDMI Cable (15ftt) Here

The end of the cable broke off after 10-15 plug-ins, very poor quality. Just sitting plugged in, the weight of the cable itself bends the connector in the socket.

Want Belkin Micra Digital High-Speed HDMI Cable (15ftt) Discount?

I received six of these cables and two did not work out of the box. I read a review on PCMag online that stated that HDMI cables should all work the same assuming they are manufactured to a basic standard. Due to the low price I paid for these cables I'm not going to mess with exchanging or returning the defective cables. For the cables that did work, they work well and I'm happy with the braided coating on the cable as compared to standard plastic-coated cables.

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