Saturday, July 5, 2014

Cirago USB HDMI Display Adapter (UDA2000)

Cirago USB HDMI Display AdapterI can't find one review (besides generic reviews attempting to sell this product to it's consumers) about this product online, which is odd, so I will be the first. Adapter working fine for my Dell Inspirion 1545, however, today it took some fiddling around to get my desktop to show on the TV screen. I don't exactly know why. Only had this thing for a month. Tried rebooting, and still nothing. It took me detaching and reattaching the HDMI cable from the actual adapter itself (earlier I detached it from the TV, didn't work O_o) to get it to work. Works fine now. Don't know why. The picture quality isn't that great. Trails a little when watching movies, but you get used to it. Audio and video is in sync

Does not work for our Acer Netbook, even though it's supposed to. Desktop shows up on TV screen and everything. You can pretty much do everything except for watch Netflix or VLC. Even Youtube works. We don't quite understand it. The video will show up, but freeze, the audio will still play fine though. We have tried everything to make it work, but nothing has helped. It's really weird. Also the desktop won't fit completely on the screen. Tried fidgeting with resolution and such, still nothing. If anyone knows what it could be, we are open to suggestions. Again, we can't find anything similar in google search. No one else seems to have this problem. Just don't understand why everything else works, but VLC and Netflix doesn't.

Maybe one day we'll figure out why the adapter doesn't work to it's fullest potential, till then, I give it 3 stars.

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