Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Fuji Fujifilm Finepix S2940 14MP HD Digital Camera

Fuji Fujifilm Finepix S2940 14MP HD Digital CameraThis camera was a common model at Wal-Mart until recently. I picked mine up for $99 on a Valentine's special. I read the reviews and felt I should add some points to the other points made by owners.

1. This camera is not bad like some people will say in the reviews. Some people gripe the picture quality is like a cell phone camera. I would say if this camera is taking pictures that bad, then it is a case of USER failure, not CAMERA failure. If you can't be bothered to read the instructions, you really shouldn't review it. Most of my pictures have turned out great with just a few easy adjustments that were covered in the manual.

2. Sample pictures. has some really crappy sample pictures that are either non-corrected night shots that a person failed to adjust in the camera settings, or shots that the person CLEARLY did not use the focus feature by pressing the shutter button halfway. If you just go click click click, this is not a camera for you.

3. Zoom complaints. The zoom on this camera is really powerful and clear. I have had no issues with it, but I will say that you do have to hold STEADY. If you cannot hold yourself still and just slam your finger down on the shutter button (jarring the camera) your pictures will turn out like crap. Use a tripod. Unless you are shaking the camera violently, normal pictures all turn out fine. Zoomed pictures take a little more practice, but I was able to take a clear shot riding as a passenger in a car of a billboard 75 feet away at least. Again, most complaints are just USER failure, not CAMERA failure.

4. Color reproduction. When properly adjusted so that the light levels are even, I would say the color reproduction is approximately as good as a similarly priced Canon and better than the entry level Nikon cameras.

5. Video leaves a bit to be desired, but is still good quality. Zoom is limited in video mode, so have it prepared beforehand. Motor noise can be heard in the videos, but it is vastly quieter than the last generation of Fuji cameras.

Overall I'd rate the camera great at moderate ISO levels, excellent at outdoors shots, above average at indoors shots, and above average at video. Battery life is quite nice, and with four rechargeable AA batteries it lasts a long time. Make sure to use a high speed memory card or HD video will be a miserable experience for you with constant buffering. All and all a good buy.

Before buying this camera I read all the reviews carefully. Overall the reviews were positive so for $129 which included an eight gigabite, high speed memory card, I thought it a good deal. I was rewarded with more than I ever expected. The camera is fantastic and performs better than some of thethe more expensive cameras I've owned in the past. You have to be a real dunce to take bad pictures with this camera, and now I know the negative reviews I read were because the users simply did not take the time to read the instructions. For the money, you will not find the features nor the quality photos this camera is capable of. And, the video is not bad, either. Buy it!

Buy Fuji Fujifilm Finepix S2940 14MP HD Digital Camera Now

I'm really happy with this camera. The quality is pretty good and for my needs it exceeds expectations. i have used more expensive cameras with a lot of features but like the price says you are not getting a lot of features but overall it's a great product.

Read Best Reviews of Fuji Fujifilm Finepix S2940 14MP HD Digital Camera Here

I love the 30x zoom. I take a lot pictures that have a lot of detail and this camera is very good for that because of the zoom.

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I like it great product. No problem what so ever. Samsung galaxy s III cell phone memory card is great.

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