Friday, October 3, 2014

Toshiba Camileo P100 HD Camcorder with 5x Optical Zoom and 3-Inch LCD Screen (Black)

Toshiba Camileo P100 HD Camcorder with 5x Optical Zoom and 3-Inch LCD ScreenI'm on my 3rd Toshiba camcorder. I'm having problems with it. It's also defective and I'll be returning it just like I have the past two that were defective. It's very clear this company is knowingly selling a defective product. It freezes up and will not shut down until the battery is drained. The same problem has happened on the previous two. I've asked for a refund ... they give a coupon for the same product. I have to go to the post office, stand in a line, pay for the postage, pay the tax on each each returned unit and deal with an outsourced customer service rep who barely can speak english. I forgot to mention how long a person must wait for their phone to be answered. If anyone would ever suggest that this company is legitimate they are in dreamland or a paid reviewer. A nightmare purchase ... an uncaring company who hides from complaints. The worst product I ever purchased. Shame on Toshiba for knowingly and deliberately dumping their mistake on the public. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Did not work out of the box. I ordered this and tried to cancel when I read the many, many bad reviews and when it arrived I used the quick start guide and it did not work. Turned on, tried to ficus and locked up and had a ticking sound. Junk. Returned for a refund. Do not recommend this or any Toshiba product.

Buy Toshiba Camileo P100 HD Camcorder with 5x Optical Zoom and 3-Inch LCD Screen (Black) Now

Done. Well, almost. My story begins on Fathers day 2011. My beautiful wife buys me a Toshiba S20 from Amazon. I read the specs and i was in heaven! Slow motion? Time Lapse? HD? Several other wonderful options and all packaged in a small handheld device!? Thank God for Toshiba!lol Maybe I celebrated too soon...

1) It worked decently enough but didn't come with all the accesories promisedso I have to file a claim with Toshiba because they can't send me the acc. (mini tripod, case, all of which was right there on there website saying it was included.) so I do but I have to pay for shippingsmall price to pay if they're going to fix the problem right? They email me a Toshiba in store coupon for $200+!! Wow I thought!

2)So I upgraded to the S30. Waited weeks and then it came....the S30 was aweful!It came with the acc. but the slow motion was HORRENDOUS! It was pixalatedit was zoomed in so much that you had to stand 300' to tape your subject! Spoke to Toshiba for hours it seemsthey tell me create another RMAsend it back. Shipped again on my dime...get the email Toshiba in store coupon for $209.00by that time the P100 had just came out. Surely they have to have the bugs fixed in this by now right? Waited for weeks and a few phone calls to Toshiba who claimed they never received ituntil I got the US Postal service to provide them proof it was delivered! (get insurance and delivery confirmation people!)

3) The Mother of All GodForsaken camcorders has arrived! After much anticipation and hope waiting on this P100I would love to say Toshiba got it right! But sadlynot so much. The design is beautiful as far as handhelds go. As much as it pained me to do so, because i wanted so badly to play with my new toy, I charged it first. Turned the unit on and I immediately started taping and it takes fairly good video. Tried to replay it and the unit froze up on me. WHAT??? WaitI haven't even seen the slow motion yet! Took the battery out (pretty sure that is a crappy way to have to restart your camcorderengineers are you taking notescrappy way!lol) and went to the flaw in the S30 that I wanted so badly fixed...same thing! Way pixalated and overzoomed! (Maybe Toshiba shouldn't hire engineers with big coke bottle glasses to design their products anymore!). Bravely marched ontried to make a video of the kids and I doing the yard with the time lapseand 40 min. later checked the camera to find out it froze 10 min into the video. Tried to view the vid but, DUH!, the cam was frozen! So out pops the battery! (crappy procedure engineers!) and the video is gone. UHG! Thank you Toshiba for making me want to do the yardbut you stink for the dissappointed kids faces I got when I told them their funny video didn't work! FrustratedI decided to try the little camcorder again since it hadn't messed up in a week or so (we optimist are so ready to forgive...idiots more like it!) so I take my anger out on an old wall clock! Who doesn't like to destroy things when they're angy right? But better yetdestroy in SLOW MOTION? Oh yeah! Set up like 50' from the clock on the wall (I assume that's how far the coke bottle glasses engineers on crack stood for their tests) and pitch at the clock with various objects! MISSED! Missed! Missed again! Each time checking the unit battery and resultsworking perfectly fine except for the middle aged guy's pitching armno fault of Toshiba. Last try..I HIT IT!! What an explosion of plastic pieces! Parts flying everywhere!Giddy I run to my camcorder only to find the Satan Spawn Camorder had froze again!!!! Tried for an 20 minutes to retrieve the movie without reseting the batteryno luck. Took a deep breath and prayed for a good out comeout pops the battery! (sounds like a good Toshiba nursery rhyme!lol) Movie gone. wonderful.

4) Sitting here at my desk and I've just sent in for another RMA... going to give Toshiba one last chancewish me luck! (I know....S-U-C-K-E-R!lol)

Read Best Reviews of Toshiba Camileo P100 HD Camcorder with 5x Optical Zoom and 3-Inch LCD Screen (Black) Here

Just locks up when using it. Have to remove battery to get it to restart. Then is just locks up again. Paper-weight.

Want Toshiba Camileo P100 HD Camcorder with 5x Optical Zoom and 3-Inch LCD Screen (Black) Discount?

My P100 takes pics and movies but the touchscreen doesn't appear no matter what I do. Without the touchscreen it's very limited.Toshiba Camileo P100 HD Recording with 5x Optical Zoom and 3-Inch LCD Screen (Black)

Save 29% Off

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