Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Lorex LNZ4001i Wireless Pan Tilt Easy Connect Network Camera (White)

Lorex LNZ4001i Wireless Pan Tilt Easy Connect Network CameraLorex advertises these as "Easy Connect" WiFi Cameras that any halfway computer literate person could setup on their WiFi in their home. That is "NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING TRUE". I am an Electronic Technician with 25 years of experience and I bought $600.00 worth of them trusting the Lorex brand name. I've got about 50 hours now into setting these up and still many key functions are not working. I bought (3) cameras and went through setup step by step.. all went well for awhile.. but they would not connect wirelessly to the WiFi.. I called technical support, held for 45 minutes only to get somebody in India telling me I needed to do a 30 minute product registration on-line before they could talk to me.. hung up.. did that.. held for another 45 minutes to an hour.. finally got an Indian gentleman that didn't speak good enough English to understand much.. after he went through the same exact steps that I had done 50 times before said " that's all there is.. it must be your wireless router" "I can do no more.. get a new router"... I knew that wasn't the problem since every other wireless device works fine with my WiFi.. but bought a new router.. 2 hours setting it all up.. went though the camera setup again and it failed exactly the same as before.. Worked on it myself for 30-40 hours.. got parts of it to work.. called back technical support in India at 7:00PM to get help.. held another 45 minutes only to get someone to take my name and phone number that would call me back later..They called back around 10:00 after I'd went to bed.. Bottom line.. Camera Sounds Cool..Does Have Cool Features If You Can Get Them To Work.. Setup and Most Features are much to complex for the average person to setup (and actually get to work).. Customer Support is Non Existant.. Lorex if you are listening and have any shred of concern about your reputation.. my cameras are still not working.. give me a call (but please not from India..) Phone 620-235-4829..

I have 4 of these cameras and two of the less expensive 3003i cameras. All of them suffer from software quality problems. They are decent cameras when they work, unfortunately they need frequent reboots since they stop serving out video periodically. Roughly once per week, I have a camera that just stops working.

Another gripe when you reboot the camera, it does not return to the position you want. It returns to its default position, which is not usually where you want to point the thing.

Low-light/night performance of this camera is quite good.

The yoics remote access service is also sketchy. Registering the cameras with the service requires persistance, but once they are registered, they seem to work that is, until they need to be rebooted.

Forget about support hardly any is offered, and there are no software updates (for these cameras) published on Lorex's site. This is not a good sign for the longevity of these cameras. The iPhone app for accessing these cameras is broken in iOS 5. It did work well in iOS4.

Bad software all-around ruins what could have been a decent product.

Buy Lorex LNZ4001i Wireless Pan Tilt Easy Connect Network Camera (White) Now

The design of this camera is very simple. It looks cool and it turns and swivels to almost any angle, however it is not the most accurate. It will not stop on a dime, so to speak. The worse part of the camera is the tech support which you will need. They have out sourced this task to india and you know how that goes. Huge language barrier and some person behind a computer saying that they don't see a problem and the problem is on your end. They keep blaming problems on the user end networking, which they do not touch. Another huge problem is that you have to open your ports on your router. Which leaves you computers and your home network exposed. Which is horrible from a security stand point. They wanted me to set up my router under the DMZ which is like a fire wall and my entire network was exposed on the internet. Now I would like to use and operate the cameras but I do not want my home network exposed and get hacked. There are too many ID thefts happening and I do not want to be a victim.

Not a plug and play. Exposes your home network security to use. Look for something better and easier to set up and use.

Read Best Reviews of Lorex LNZ4001i Wireless Pan Tilt Easy Connect Network Camera (White) Here

If you have cable internet such as Comcast, you only have maybe 2 ports open for port forwarding.

Port 80, and maybe 85. This Lorex needs 4 ports if you want the Iphone to work using the Lors2 app for Iphone from Itunes apps. Also you will not be able to use port 80 with Comcast home internet

Want Lorex LNZ4001i Wireless Pan Tilt Easy Connect Network Camera (White) Discount?

I bought my new Lorex LNZ 4001i IP camera and tried to follow the quick start guide to get it installed. I wasn't having much luck, and after a couple of hours trying, I registered it to activate the warranty then called tech support. I went through support levels 1, 2 and 3 before the 3rd guy, an American, got it to work on my iphone. After I hung up, I noticed I could no longer access the camera on my desktop computer. Also,now my existing Lorex eco dvr system could not be assessed from my iphone or the computer. The problem is, the dvr and the ip camera are set up to use the same router port 80, so the tech had to change settings on my dvr. By that night the ip camera couldn't be accessed from the iphone anymore. I didn't panic though, I just called tech support again the next morning. The first tech sent me on to a level 2 tech because she was not a router port expert. The level 2 tech, an Indian guy, was a real expert. He straightened everything out in a couple of minutes. I wish I wrote down his name or number so I could give him credit. He explained what he was doing, but I probably won't remember well enough to do it myself next time. Anyway, It's working great now. The only problem is the iphone app. For one thing, it does not let you use the digital zoom and the picture keeps freezing and dissappearing untill you tap on the camera you want to view again. I think its a great camera and it works great on Internet explorer, but the problem is with the iMobile2 app. I'm sure that can be improved.

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