Saturday, July 26, 2014

Swift Hitch SH02 Portable Wireless Camera System

Swift Hitch SH02 Portable Wireless Camera SystemI've only used this twice so far and both times it has proven to be a real treat to have, as I didn't need the wife's help to get our trailer hooked up to the truck. I was able to back up and stop in the perfect spot the very first time. No more in and out, in and out, move an inch to the left, no the other left and so on. Anybody that has a trailer knows exactly what I'm saying. It was easy to charge both units, easy to set up and very easy to use. The magnet works great and I know I'll use the suction cups on the back of our trailer sooner or later. My only bit of disapointment was trying to see the screen when it is really sunny outside, as the brightness seems to make the actual picture very, very light gray and tough to see the screen clearly. I've not yet used it in the dark, but I'm sure it will be great there. I'm really glad I went with the SH02 model rather than the SH01, as the carry case with the foam protection around each piece is great, with all the charging cords and everything needed to use this set-up was in there, also I wanted the suction cup set-up as well. In my opinion, it was a good deal for the price!


We bought the kit that included the suction cups which are needed for vehicles with fiberglass hatches, tail gates, etc. The suction cups are connected to a triangle metal plate which substitutes a metal plate for the camera unit to stick to. The suction cup adapter fell off the glass window of a Tahoe. We then wet the suction cups with basically the same result. The magnetic base camera unit has a tendency to slide on all metal surfaces that I tried. This is not good.... The actual magnet in the base of the unit is recessed ever so slightly so that actual metal to magnet contact is not achieved. The magnetic "force" causes some magnetic field to hold it in place but the vibrations from backing up the car cause it to slide. In other words, the magnet is not strong enough to hold it in place. I called the manufacturing company and they had no helpful suggestions. I am going to try and remove the magnet and install a thin spacer to raise the actual magnet above the camera's metal base. That way, the actual magnet should make contact with a metal surface. The recession in the base is very minimal, but just enough to weaken the sticking power of the magnet. I am not exactly sure how I am going to fix the suction cup issue.

Buy Swift Hitch SH02 Portable Wireless Camera System Now

This item is a nice piece of kit but has 2 important drawbacks: its very difficult to see the screen in the typical bright sunlight that many times I have to hitch; and the screen is too small to see dark detail. Part of the problem is that if the hitch itself is in shadow, the camera light sensor darkens the image to compensate for the area its receiving thus making the ball or the bar (Hensley hitch)impossible to discern. You can adjust the camera view but there are just so many places on which you can mount the camera that will also accommodate a sight angle that eliminates bright areas so that the hitch is viewable.

Read Best Reviews of Swift Hitch SH02 Portable Wireless Camera System Here

The camera works well and my husband hitched the boat by himself on the first try.

He also uses the camera when he works on the car. In the past, he would use a flashlight and a mirror to look for items he couln't see under the hood. Now he uses the camera and can also do this at night since the camera operates well in the dark. The camera is used to look up into the fireplace, under the house, in the attic and for lost toys under the bed and couches.I recomend this to everyone.

Want Swift Hitch SH02 Portable Wireless Camera System Discount?

About half the price of factory option for a backup camera. Plus with the 10h li battery life of this second generation (SH02) camera, I can use it for wireless nighttime security camera of my campsite when camping in the popup. Hey raccoon, get away from that ice chest!. Can move the camera to the back of trailer to assist in backing into campsite as well. Oh, the included custom foam cut case is top quality, too.

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